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Scotty McCreery Rise & Fall (CD)

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(Triple Tigers Records) 13 titres Sixième album studio du musicien de country américain. Inclut...plus

Scotty McCreery: Rise & Fall (CD)

(Triple Tigers Records) 13 titres

Sixième album studio du musicien de country américain. Inclut le single « Cab in a Solo ». McCreery a coécrit 12 des 13 titres de l'album. McCreery a décrit « Rise & Fall » comme son « album préféré à ce jour » et, bien que l'album explore une variété de thèmes, la naissance de son fils en octobre 2022 a été une source d'inspiration majeure pour certaines des chansons du projet et reflète la phase actuelle de sa vie.

Propriétés de l'article: Scotty McCreery: Rise & Fall (CD)

McCreery, Scotty - Rise & Fall (CD) CD 1
01 Little More Gone Scotty McCreery
02 Cab In A Solo Scotty McCreery
03 Lonely Ain't Lonely Scotty McCreery
04 Can't Pass The Bar Scotty McCreery
05 Hey Rose Scotty McCreery
06 Fall Of Summer Scotty McCreery
07 Love Like This Scotty McCreery
08 Slow Dance Scotty McCreery
09 No Country For Old Men Scotty McCreery
10 And Countin' Scotty McCreery
11 Stuck Behind A Tractor Scotty McCreery
12 Red Letter Blueprint Scotty McCreery
13 Porch Scotty McCreery
Scotty McCreery In the five years since he released his last album, the now-24-year-old,... plus
"Scotty McCreery"

Scotty McCreery

In the five years since he released his last album, the now-24-year-old, McCreery, grew up, built a life outside the spotlight, left college, performed around the world, lost one record deal and gained another, released a book, moved to Nashville, and more. In September, he proposed to his long-time girlfriend Gabi Dugal in the mountains of North Carolina. All of these experiences serve as the foundation of Seasons Change.

“In the last five years, I have grown from a teenager to a man, moved out on my own, lost my grandfather, proposed to the love of my life, and learned more about myself than I could have imagined,” said McCreery. “This all shows up in the 11 songs on Seasons Change, and I cannot wait to share this music with my fans after such a long time between releases.”

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McCreery, Scotty - Rise & Fall (CD) CD 1
01 Little More Gone
02 Cab In A Solo
03 Lonely Ain't Lonely
04 Can't Pass The Bar
05 Hey Rose
06 Fall Of Summer
07 Love Like This
08 Slow Dance
09 No Country For Old Men
10 And Countin'
11 Stuck Behind A Tractor
12 Red Letter Blueprint
13 Porch