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MANNISH BOYS Mannish Boys Double Dynamite (2-CD)

Mannish Boys Double Dynamite (2-CD)
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  • CDDGP153
  • 0.15
P Maintenant bonus points
Grands sons et des chansons, surtout lorsque Frank G. joue, et Sugaray est de chanter. Le reste...plus

MANNISH BOYS: Mannish Boys Double Dynamite (2-CD)

Grands sons et des chansons, surtout lorsque Frank G. joue, et Sugaray est de chanter. Le reste semble être assez bien connu, du rock enregistrements solides par un groupe de joueurs stellaires et les anciens combattants de la West Coast Blues. FINIS Tasby - voc, Sugaray RAYFORD - voc, RANDY Chartkoff - HCA / voc, Kirk Fletcher - RTM, FRAK GOLDWASSER - RTM, Willie J. CAMPBELL - basse, JIMI BOTT - batterie. Invités spéciaux: JAMES HARMAN - HCA (voc, MUD MORGANFIELD - voc, Jackie Payne-voc, BOB Corritore - HCA, Rod Piazza - HCA, JASON RICCI - HCA, Elvin Bishop-slide RTM, le KID RAMOS - RTM, JUNIOR WATSON - RTM , etc

Propriétés de l'article: MANNISH BOYS: Mannish Boys Double Dynamite (2-CD)

Mannish Boys - Mannish Boys Double Dynamite (2-CD) CD 1
01 Death Letter MANNISH BOYS
02 Mean Old World MANNISH BOYS
03 Bricks In My Pillow MANNISH BOYS
04 She's 19 Years Old/Streamline Woman MANNISH BOYS
05 Never Leave Me At Home MANNISH BOYS
06 Elevate Me Mama MANNISH BOYS
07 Please Forgive Me MANNISH BOYS
08 Everybody Needs Somebody MANNISH BOYS
09 Bad Detective MANNISH BOYS
10 You Dogged Me MANNISH BOYS
11 Bloody tears MANNISH BOYS
12 The Hard Way MANNISH BOYS
13 Mannish Boy MANNISH BOYS
14 Born Under A Bad Sign MANNISH BOYS
15 That Dood It MANNISH BOYS
16 You've Got The Power MANNISH BOYS
17 Drowning On Dry Land MANNISH BOYS
18 Mr. Charles Blues MANNISH BOYS
19 Cold Sweat MANNISH BOYS
21 You Don't Love Me MANNISH BOYS
22 Bed For My Soul MANNISH BOYS
23 Why Does Everything Happen To Me MANNISH BOYS
24 I Woke Up Screaming MANNISH BOYS
25 West Helena Blues MANNISH BOYS
26 Hittin' The Groove MANNISH BOYS
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Mannish Boys - Mannish Boys Double Dynamite (2-CD) CD 1
01 Death Letter
02 Mean Old World
03 Bricks In My Pillow
04 She's 19 Years Old/Streamline Woman
05 Never Leave Me At Home
06 Elevate Me Mama
07 Please Forgive Me
08 Everybody Needs Somebody
09 Bad Detective
10 You Dogged Me
11 Bloody tears
12 The Hard Way
13 Mannish Boy
14 Born Under A Bad Sign
15 That Dood It
16 You've Got The Power
17 Drowning On Dry Land
18 Mr. Charles Blues
19 Cold Sweat
20 Later On
21 You Don't Love Me
22 Bed For My Soul
23 Why Does Everything Happen To Me
24 I Woke Up Screaming
25 West Helena Blues
26 Hittin' The Groove