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Sarah Brown Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' (CD, Cut-Out)

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  • CDXBP5030
  • 0.107
P Maintenant bonus points
(Blind Pig) 12 tracks Sarah Brown - basse / chant, w / Chris Miller, BILL CHURCH, STEVE JAMES,...plus

Sarah Brown: Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' (CD, Cut-Out)

(Blind Pig) 12 tracks

Sarah Brown - basse / chant, w / Chris Miller, BILL CHURCH, STEVE JAMES, DEREK O'BRIEN - RTM, etc

Propriétés de l'article: Sarah Brown: Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' (CD, Cut-Out)

  • Interpret: Sarah Brown

  • Titre de l'album: Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' (CD, Cut-Out)

  • Année de publication 1996
  • Label Blind Pig Records

  • Artikelart CD

  • EAN: 0019148503021

  • Poids en kg: 0.107
Brown, Sarah - Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' (CD, Cut-Out) CD 1
01 Barbwire Kiss Sarah Brown
02 Not As Sorry As I Used To Be Sarah Brown
03 Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' Sarah Brown
04 Turn The Lock On Love Sarah Brown
05 Good Fella Robert Sarah Brown
06 Bad Boys Pride Sarah Brown
07 Devil's Best Disguise Sarah Brown
08 Bad Thing Sarah Brown
09 Please Help Sarah Brown
10 Pretty Little Poison Sarah Brown
11 Keep A Little Light Sarah Brown
12 Hey Big Sister Sarah Brown
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Brown, Sarah - Sayin' What I'm Thinkin' (CD, Cut-Out) CD 1
01 Barbwire Kiss
02 Not As Sorry As I Used To Be
03 Sayin' What I'm Thinkin'
04 Turn The Lock On Love
05 Good Fella Robert
06 Bad Boys Pride
07 Devil's Best Disguise
08 Bad Thing
09 Please Help
10 Pretty Little Poison
11 Keep A Little Light
12 Hey Big Sister