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PARKER, Billy Billy Parker & Friends

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  • BCD15521
  • 0.115
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Betty 'Mama' Gibson, épouse et partenaire d'affaires de Joe Gibson, le producteur de ces...plus

PARKER, Billy: Billy Parker & Friends

Betty 'Mama' Gibson, épouse et partenaire d'affaires de Joe Gibson, le producteur de ces séances d'album de Billy Parker, est sûre que "si vous piquiez une épingle dans le doigt de Billy et qu'il saignait, il saignerait Country Music." Cela a l'air juste pour quelqu'un qui chante et chante depuis l'âge de onze ans et pendant près de vingt ans a été un homme de radio primé sur 50.000 watts Country station KVOO à Tulsa, Oklahoma, ainsi que 'Ambassadeur de Pays d'Oklahoma et Western Music, un titre que lui a conféré la législature de l'État.

Billy lui-même décrit sa vie dans le secteur du divertissement comme un «combo». Devant jouer des engagements et enregistrer pour différents labels, il a aussi eu une carrière à temps plein dans la radio - du DJ au directeur de programme en passant par les ventes et la publicité. «Travailler à la radio m'a donné un point de vue unique», explique Parker. «Le fait de pouvoir voir l'industrie de deux côtés différents a vraiment aidé mon développement en tant qu'artiste et artiste.

Propriétés de l'article: PARKER, Billy: Billy Parker & Friends

  • Interpret: PARKER, Billy

  • Titre de l'album: Billy Parker & Friends

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Preiscode AH
  • Année de publication 1990
  • Artikelart CD

  • EAN: 4000127155214

  • Poids en kg: 0.115
Parker, Billy - Billy Parker & Friends CD 1
01 Memory Number One (& WEBB PIERCE) PARKER, Billy
02 Too Many Irons In The Fire (& CAL SMITH) PARKER, Billy
03 Who Said Love Was Fair (& JIMMY PAYNE) PARKER, Billy
04 I Believe I'm Entitled To You (& B. CARLISLE) PARKER, Billy
05 Milk Cow Blues (& JOHNNIE LEE WILLS) PARKER, Billy
06 Tomorrow Never Comes (& ERNEST TUBB) PARKER, Billy
07 When I Need Love Bad PARKER, Billy
08 Honky Tonk Girl (& CAL SMITH) PARKER, Billy
09 Love Don't Know A Lady (& DARRELL McCALL) PARKER, Billy
10 Take Me Back To Tulsa (& JOHNNIE LEE WILLS) PARKER, Billy
11 The Last Country Song (& DARRELL McCALL) PARKER, Billy
12 Its's Not Me PARKER, Billy
13 If I Ever Need A Lady PARKER, Billy
14 I See An Angel Every Day PARKER, Billy
15 I'll Drink To That PARKER, Billy
16 Why Do You Keep Calling You Honey, Honey PARKER, Billy
17 Can I Have What's Left PARKER, Billy
18 What's A Nice Girl Like You PARKER, Billy
19 One More Last Time PARKER, Billy
20 Hello Out There PARKER, Billy
21 Something Old, Something New (& JACK GREENE) PARKER, Billy
Billy Parker Billy Parker was born on July 19, 1937 in the small town of Tuskegee, Oklahoma.... plus
"PARKER, Billy"

Billy Parker

Billy Parker was born on July 19, 1937 in the small town of Tuskegee, Oklahoma. (Today the town does not even exist.) He had two older brothers and one older sister, and his father worked for the WPA highway program. When he was about four years old the family moved to Tulsa and his dad went to work for what they used to call the Douglas bomber plant, but is now known as McDonald Douglas Aircraft. His life was stable until his parents' divorce when he was fourteen, after which time he was more or less on his own. He was still a young teenager when he went to live temprorarily with his sister and her family in McAllister, Oklahoma, about 150 miles outside of Tulsa, and landed his first radio spot as the guitar player for a singer by the name of Carl Garnand. Their show was on every after-noon from 4:30-4:45. Billy had gotten the job by hanging around the radio station until he met Carl and "they just kind of got acquainted and started working together."

Carl Garnand did not continue in the music business, but that early association permanently sparked Billy Parker's interest in all aspects of Country Music and especially in the far-reaching field of radio communication. His first full-time job in radio was with Tulsa station KFMJ in 1959. This position provided him the opportunity to plug his own personal appearances at clubs, ballrooms, and events while on the air, therefore spreading his reputation rapidly throughout eastern Ok-lahoma. TV appearances on a local Tulsa show, the 'Big Red Jamboree,' in the mid-'50s, plus a four month tour with Red Foley and Bill Wemberley and the Country Rhythm Boys in '57 helped polish his performing style and also broadened his exposure out into the Mid- and Southwest. In 1959, Parker recorded Thanks A Lot (on the Cimarron label), a song written by Eddie Miller and Don Sessions, at Oral Roberts' studio in Tulsa. It was a big song for Billy and was played all across the nation on both the 'Country' and 'Pop' radio stations, a phenomenon referred to at the time as 'C & W (Country & Western) breaking pop.' 

After the song was covered by Ernest Tubb in the country field and Brenda Lee in the pop field (both produced by Owen Bradley of Decca Records), Parker's version sort of faded away. "Nevertheless," he recalls, "the song has still been very good for me because it really put me in touch with Ernest Tubb." Whenever Tubb and his Texas Troubadours were passing through Tulsa, Billy Parker took advantage of the opportunity to visit and talk with them. In early 1968, when Troubadour Cal Smith decided to leave the band to pursue a solo career and was given the task of finding his own replacement, he called Parker and asked if he'd like to become a Texas Troubadour. Billy and his wife talked it over and decided that if they were ever going to make the move to Nashville, this was the time to do it. "I'll never forget the first time I worked the Grand Ole Opty with E. T. and the Ernest Tubb Record Shop afterwards," Parker reminisces. 

"We left right after that show on our first trip - to Eau Claire, Wisconsin - and I was nervous all the way there. I had second thoughts on that long bus trip - I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, what have I gotten into just for the sake of being in the business/ Here my wife is with a new baby at home and here I am hitting the road.' And when you hit the road with Ernest, you just didn't go out one or two days and run on back home. I've been gone as high as thirty-six days and come home for two and gone twelve more -this type of thing. It was more than I had bargained for I thought, but I sure wouldn't take a million dollars now for what I learned from those years working with Ernest Tubb... 

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Parker, Billy - Billy Parker & Friends CD 1
01 Memory Number One (& WEBB PIERCE)
02 Too Many Irons In The Fire (& CAL SMITH)
03 Who Said Love Was Fair (& JIMMY PAYNE)
04 I Believe I'm Entitled To You (& B. CARLISLE)
05 Milk Cow Blues (& JOHNNIE LEE WILLS)
06 Tomorrow Never Comes (& ERNEST TUBB)
07 When I Need Love Bad
08 Honky Tonk Girl (& CAL SMITH)
09 Love Don't Know A Lady (& DARRELL McCALL)
10 Take Me Back To Tulsa (& JOHNNIE LEE WILLS)
11 The Last Country Song (& DARRELL McCALL)
12 Its's Not Me
13 If I Ever Need A Lady
14 I See An Angel Every Day
15 I'll Drink To That
16 Why Do You Keep Calling You Honey, Honey
17 Can I Have What's Left
18 What's A Nice Girl Like You
19 One More Last Time
20 Hello Out There
21 Something Old, Something New (& JACK GREENE)