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MARTENS, Jessy Martens, Jessy Break Your Curse

Martens, Jessy Break Your Curse
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  • CD151477
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(2012 'Lune Sound') (52:28 / 12)plus

MARTENS, Jessy: Martens, Jessy Break Your Curse

(2012 'Lune Sound') (52:28 / 12)

Propriétés de l'article: MARTENS, Jessy: Martens, Jessy Break Your Curse

Martens, Jessy - Martens, Jessy Break Your Curse CD 1
01 How Beautiful MARTENS, Jessy
02 Break Your Curse MARTENS, Jessy
03 You're Not The One I Need MARTENS, Jessy
04 Darling MARTENS, Jessy
05 My Love MARTENS, Jessy
06 Shaking Off The Shackles MARTENS, Jessy
07 Run With Me MARTENS, Jessy
08 trust Me MARTENS, Jessy
09 Wake Up MARTENS, Jessy
10 Silence MARTENS, Jessy
11 Stranger MARTENS, Jessy
12 Human Nature MARTENS, Jessy
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Martens, Jessy - Martens, Jessy Break Your Curse CD 1
01 How Beautiful
02 Break Your Curse
03 You're Not The One I Need
04 Darling
05 My Love
06 Shaking Off The Shackles
07 Run With Me
08 trust Me
09 Wake Up
10 Silence
11 Stranger
12 Human Nature