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Gene Pitney The Very Best Of Gene Pitney (CD)

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  • CDMCCD155
  • 0.107
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(1994/Music Collection) 20 tracksplus

Gene Pitney: The Very Best Of Gene Pitney (CD)

(1994/Music Collection) 20 tracks

Propriétés de l'article: Gene Pitney: The Very Best Of Gene Pitney (CD)

  • Interpret: Gene Pitney

  • Titre de l'album: The Very Best Of Gene Pitney (CD)

  • Genre Rock'n'Roll

  • Année de publication 1994

  • Artikelart CD

  • EAN: 5014797291553

  • Poids en kg: 0.107
Pitney, Gene - The Very Best Of Gene Pitney (CD) CD 1
01 24 Hours From Tulsa Gene Pitney
02 Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart Gene Pitney
03 (In The) Cold Light Of Day Gene Pitney
04 Yours Until Tomorrow Gene Pitney
05 Backstage (I'm Lonely) Gene Pitney
06 Somewhere In The Country Gene Pitney
07 Town Without Pity Gene Pitney
08 Looking Through The Eyes Of Love Gene Pitney
09 That Girl Belongs To Yesterday Gene Pitney
10 I'm Gonna Be Strong Gene Pitney
11 Princess In Rags Gene Pitney
12 Nobody Needs Your Love Gene Pitney
13 Shady Lady Gene Pitney
14 I Must Be Seeing Things Gene Pitney
15 Maria Elena (I'm Going To War) Gene Pitney
16 A Street Called Hope Gene Pitney
17 Just One Smile Gene Pitney
18 (I Wanna) Love My Life Away Gene Pitney
19 It Hurts To Be In Love Gene Pitney
20 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Gene Pitney
Gene Pitney Gene Pitney starb Geboren 1940 in Conneticut USA, war Sänger und Komponist.... plus
"Gene Pitney"

Gene Pitney

Gene Pitney starb Geboren 1940 in Conneticut USA, war Sänger und Komponist. Er schrieb Hits für Ricky Nelson, Poy obison und Andere, 1961 sein erster eigener Hit.  Gene Pitney starb am 05. April 2006.

Hits and Misses auf Bear Family Records

Hier ist eine einzigartige Sammlung, die jeder Gene Pitney Fan haben moechte. Hier sind nicht nur einige seiner groessten Hits wie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 24 Hours From Tulsa , Town Without Pity sondern dieses Set enthaelt auch seine ungemein seltenen fruehen Aufnahmen fuer Decca 1959, darunter seine Jamie & Jane Duette und seine deutsche Version von Town Without Pity aus dem Jahre 1962.

Dazu seine eigenen Versionen von Hello Mary Lou , Today's Teardrops sowie fruehe unveroeffentlichte Demos mit den Embers aus 1958. Here's a unique collection that every Gene Pitney fan will want. Not only are some of Gene's greatest hits here, such as The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance, 24 Hours From Tulsa, Town Without Pity but this set also includes his ultra-rare early recordings for Decca in 1959, including his Jamie & Jane duets, as well as his German language recording of Town Without Pity from 1962, plus his own renditions of Hello Mary Lou, and Today's Teardrops, and some early unreleased demo's with The Embers from 1958. 


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Pitney, Gene - The Very Best Of Gene Pitney (CD) CD 1
01 24 Hours From Tulsa
02 Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart
03 (In The) Cold Light Of Day
04 Yours Until Tomorrow
05 Backstage (I'm Lonely)
06 Somewhere In The Country
07 Town Without Pity
08 Looking Through The Eyes Of Love
09 That Girl Belongs To Yesterday
10 I'm Gonna Be Strong
11 Princess In Rags
12 Nobody Needs Your Love
13 Shady Lady
14 I Must Be Seeing Things
15 Maria Elena (I'm Going To War)
16 A Street Called Hope
17 Just One Smile
18 (I Wanna) Love My Life Away
19 It Hurts To Be In Love
20 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance